Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Old book, new movie.. thoughts on discipleship

Just picked up a 1981 book called DISCIPLESHIP by David Watson. He was a great English leader. Just a chapter in and he describes Discipleship as a CALL from Jesus, a Call to Jesus, A Call to obey, to serve, to live a simple life, to suffer, and that ALL are CALLED irrespective of qualifications. As we live out B1 and Make 1 let us be Biblical in our devotion. We are bringing people to a person not just a book of teachings. Must disciple our kids to obey, not just do whatever they feel like. Selfishness is out, as is material comfort and ease. This is so key in a culture that is so self centred.
Last night I went out with some men to see THE KING'S SPEECH. If you have seen it read on, if not stop, go and watch and come back to this blog. Lionel Logan says he will help the king but on his terms, in his space. The king has to humble himself, obey, suffer and persevere. Yet he discovers a life-long friendship with his mentor. I need to do this with those I disciple. I must call them to journey with me and will have to be a friend but friends speak the truth that is not always easy to hear at the time. The king couldn't just read Logan's blog- there must be relationship! Jesus calls us to a relationship of discipleship complete with highs and lows, laughter and tears. But the joy of the friendship makes it so worth it!

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