Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Irresistible Revolution

That's the name of a very trendy looking covered softback by Shane Claiborne, that i was given for my birthday. Made an interesting and somewhat challenging read. Went from thinking this guy is a flipping communist to you know what he has a point! He certainly challenges the church to what we are doing for and with the money we have, our buildings, vision and many other things that the church allows. Keeps bringing it back to scripture and making you think, so what did Jesus say and mean? Going to give it to my buddy Chris to read and see what he thinks, and I know my buddy Andy Bruce would enjoy it. Landa Cope might have some other ideas. So good for thinking people. If we are Jesus's disciples we have to be challenged to live more like He did and would. Like the Jubilee idea of matching rand for rand to the poor when a church starts a building campaign, and then only if a bigger building is really needed. Think he supports the poor maybe too far, and doesn't look at their own responsibilities, but blames a lot of big reasons. Not so sure macro issues are all that to blame, when individuals need to apply Biblical principles too. Can kind of see two sides and life is complex. Well... on and back to David Watson on discipleship... and I think we are making progress at His People and Jozi kidz

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