Friday, July 15, 2011

Week of kidz at church planting school

We arrived on Sunday afternoon in whiteriver ready for a long week of kids ministry. Was great to see friends from all over the country. Monday saw us intro ourselves to the kids and discovered them to be a cool bunch. Not all easy of course but the potential was great. We looked at identity in Christ. Afternoons were spent watching a movie then outdoor play till 4. Tues we did servant leadership. Wed prophecy. Thurs heart for the nations, and this morning sharing the gospel. We gave them a grow box from week two that we planned and Letty led. Each day they got tools for their quiet times and that was a big hit! Kids got excited about spending time with Jesus. As relationships grew so did the ministry and it was sad to say goodbye. Three kids got baptised in the Holy Spirit, one without any prayer, just during worship! Meal times were great to chat with church planters and there was a great Every Nation vibe! The Bon fire time last night was great too and the kids made good friends and were free to play into the evenings. On tues I also got to share with all the church planters on kiss ministry and had very good feedback. Joanne sold 230 copies of Xtreme Makeover of Me. jesse and Letty did an amazing job with the totz and with the help of Thjile one of our campus leaders. The team all deserve a day off on Monday before the new term starts. The Pardey Kids were also an amazing example and served well . God is so faithful and we know this was an incredible advance for our church family and the Kingdom. so glad we agreed to do it.

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