Wednesday, April 13, 2011


For those wanting to walk with us in this journey of Jozi Kidz Mobile, here is the progress. We have been praying and researching the area which is actually called Vrededorp. It was in the 40's a multicultural area but the Nats forceably removed the black folk in the late 40's. Beyers Naude who pastored a church there refused to go along with this and was kicked out of the NG Kerk! Now having driven around it, it is back to multicultural!!! So we could be reaching all kinds of kids. Quite an Islamic community too. Yesterday we checked out the schools and the parks and prayed some more. One of our elders without us knowing, has been looking for a building for a Global Leadership Institute, only to find it in Vrededorp! God is so in this and has drawn us to this area for sure. So we could be coming at this community from many fronts. Our team is going to go and check out a ministry that uses Lego in Potch first and then decide on our approach. Been costing a mobile sound system this morning, and just getting excited. Gabi and Joey both sick today and we sense an attack is on us, so really urge you to pray if you do. More to report soon...

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