Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Early morning devotions in winter

The alarm goes off, and as you reach thru the dark and click the light blinds you as you read 5am! Reach for the jersey and pillow and sit up in bed. That's when the love of Jesus comes screaming in, and I think how awesome is it to be a christian. I pray, journal, pray, journal, read scripture, praise, check diary, send a few sms messages to draft, to send later! Oh how good it is to know the Lord. Today woke up from a dream with the message we are marked by God. Marked by the fact that we are just matter, carbon molecules but with the God ordained DNA strand that makes us who we are. Marked for His purposes, nothing wasted, every gift in place. Marked by parents, friends, world experience but then marked by the one who was marked for us. The marks all over His body, the marks in His hands and feet... How can we not embrace this and live to thrill Him today. Certainly worth lifting the sheets for!

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