Friday, June 11, 2010

We can feel it... in the air

Why did you spend the morning at the mall, asked my friend PY? Well it wasn't a normal morning in our beautiful country. I went to spend time with God in the midst of people that He loves. By 8am the vuvuzelas were blasting, there were people dancing, smiling, talking to each other! Even little Afrikaner grannies in Bafana Bafana jerseys interacting with young black men. Praise God! While at KFC I got to share Jesus with Mpho who works there and showed her that God provides and that she should look to Him. Gave her a prophetic painting from my little Mpho(Shaylah) and decided I needed to go and fetch my family so they could experience the colour and noise of the South Africans.
After lunch there, it was off to friends to watch the opening and brilliant game. Highlights were standing to sing the national anthem, and doing the victory dance when simphiwe scored!
This ain't the old SA but the new one of hope and possibility for intergration... we can feel it!

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