Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Some maybe helpful thoughts from today...

Some maybe helpful thoughts from today...
1. Wake up and pray first
2. Make your family breakfast
3. Do something creative with your toddler if u have one
4. Take your wife out to Fish Aways
5. Sit with your wife and reschedule your week to bring structure for the whole family but not too rushed and remember all you need to include
6. Incentive for your toddler, 2 bowls one with a smiley face, one looking sad. Each day starts with 5 stones in happy one. when naughty stone goes to sad dish, good behaviour can win it back. If not all are in the sad one at the end of the day they get a reward.
7. Attitude chart for older kids with rewards. Half an hour of Wii works
8. Play with your kids and make a banana milkshake
9. Support your Proteas against India
10. Prepare for the next day and pray some more.

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