Monday, May 30, 2011

A club in Vrededorp now a reality

We went 2 hours earlier than the 3:30 start of Jozi Kidz Mobile last tuesday to go and walk the streets and meet boys and girls. Not knowing what reception we would have in vrededorp, we were pleasantly surprised. The prayer had paid off and God was evidently with us. People were warm and it was like a hopeless community were eager for something to change. We handed out balloons and flyers. We even went to the house where we had seen the two little girls on an early Saturday run, that had brought us to the area. We felt that where light comes, darkness has to flee. It was awesome to be in a park again and to see the kids rolling up from all directions. We eventually signed up 24 kids and there were still others looking on from a distance. Joanne started with a game, Letty led praise songs, and then Jesse and I shared on getting foundations right. Then we had small groups to discuss and get to know the kids. All sorts, different ages and cultures. They were very happy to have something in their park. Now tomorrow we return after a week's break and hoping to continue to build with these precious kids.
The men who pray with me each Wednesday were so encouraged and they each have a different part to play in this subburb.

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