Monday, May 23, 2011

Updating da waffles

Waffling has been a bit slow of late, guess it is hard to know what to share. You know when people say what's news? Well there is always stuff, but do people want to hear me waffling about it? Face Book is at least quick bitesized chunks of me and what I am about. No secret that I am full on for Jesus and that He is the one that most excites me and fulfills me. Like today, was great waking up and spending time with Him, was great worshipping and ministering with Joanne at Hope Street to kids, and great talking about him over candle light when the power went off again. Know that He is leading us each day and praying that we will stay in His will for our lives. Right now in Jozi with kidz. Well now u know I am alive and kicking or waffling...later!

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