Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Jono's 81

Inspired by Joanne let's see how I go...
1. The Lord Jesus and my relationship with Him
2. His presence and worshipping Him where happiness is experienced
3. My wonderful wife who loves me so much and who I love so much
4. The thought of growing older with my best friend Joanne
5. My Kenan who reminds me so much of me
6. Starting to Gym with Kenan
7. Asher's love and funny ways
8. Shaylah's growth overcoming some stuff
9. Gabriella's closeness but not her tantrums
10. A bed to sleep in
11. Good health and overcoming or controlling blood pressure
12. Assurance of salvation and heaven above
13. Living with passionate purpose
14. Early morning quiet times
15. Breakfast
16. early morning prayer with Big G and others
17. Running with mates
18. Running races
19. The early morning sunrises
20. Pretty flowers
21. Geography and many places to visit
22. Manila conference and the impact we are having in the world
23. Aeroplanes with my family
24. Kuala Lampur and beautiful cities
25. Champions league
26. Tottenham rising up
27. Skinny Jeans
28. Hope street kids and leadership teams growth
29. Computers and Facebook
30. Work colleagues
31. Our car
32. The surroundings where we live
33. The bridge run
34. Lessons learnt
35. His Hop and seeing warwick run and Shaylah too
36. Finances for many things
37. Food and resturants.
38. Mentors and great preachers
39. Those who encourage us and prophecy over us
40. Morning hugs
41. Coming home to screams of daddy
42. Extended family
43. Mission Sundays and trips to Bulembu
44. Mick Hucknell and Simply Red
45. My guitar and songs
46. Listening to records and watching You Tube
47. Jozi Kidz and Jozi Lights
48. Parkhurst Primary
49. Fruit of changed lives
50. Ministering to petrol pump attendants
51. God pockets
52. Good books and good movies
53. Family times
54. Prophetic art
55. Friday afternoon prayer
56. Kenan coming back from Ignite Youth

OK I am out of time but Lord we are thankful for so much!!!! You are the best!!!!

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