Friday, December 17, 2010

Movies can be so stimulating

Movies that make you think are always great and we have seen two this week. Wednesday in the rain we went to see Narnia 3 at the drive-in with the family. Excellent movie, way better than the book we read earlier this year. Brilliant clips for preaching especially on self esteem and temptation. Very obviously christian, and if people don't see that they must be a bit thick. He is known in this world as.... da Jesus of course!!! Go and see it.
Then tonight we watched Time Changer where a dude comes from 1890 to 2000 and sees the decline due to the lack of Jesus being preached and people thinking they can have morals without Christ. Shockingly real to us. Makes the point that it is almost wrong to preach morals like don't steal without in the same breath saying Jesus said that and that He will help you if you ask Him to. We did 2 days of life skills at Parkhurst and every point we made we told the kids/teens that it is impossible to live right without a very real dependence on Jesus. Need His Lordship as first priority in our lives. He can't save those He can't command... a quote from the movie. Hope this makes you who are listening think...ask questions...just speak to Jesus in the quiet...He will respond!

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