Thursday, February 24, 2011

Animals and Discipleship

Every Wednesday I head for the Zoo just because I love the stillness and peace and can spend a few hours in prayer and in the Word. Amazing what God shows you even thru the animals. I started off at the Rhinos who are so built for strength and purpose and don't stop for anything, like Christians. Then to the Hippos who munch all the time like we should the Word of God. They chew on it. That got me thinking about our HP Jozi Faith Journey and which animal would represent each of the 5 steps. Settled on Encounter- Crocodile- as they wait and soak
Connect- Monkeys- always cackling together
Grow- Hippos- always getting fatter
Reach- Birds- they reach out to other animals
Influence- Lions- kings of the jungle and so outstanding

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