Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Zoo reflections

What a great Christmas gift I received from my wife- a year free access to the Joburg Zoo! So my Wednesday morning includes a few hours sitting in the beautiful surroundings with my Bible, journal and God! Yes He is my best friend and I can hang out there with Him. He speaks thru His Word and in a small still voice as we take time to just sit. The creativity flows, He brings His peace, He leads us to pray for others. Sometimes He speaks thru what one can observe, like the excitement of the Chimps, the motherliness of the ducks and the smile of the monkeys. Jesus did great things, preached the gospel, taught the people, healed the sick and cast demons out of people. We can do the same but the key was He spent time alone with the Father, so if we want to be like Him, we must do the same. Find your spot... I know where mine is!

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