Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pretoria Marathon

The alarm clicked at 3:30 and creep thru the darkened house to get into my running togs. A few minutes later I drive to Emmarentia to meet Big G, my running buddy and we drive in the dark to the Capital City, Pretoria. Such a great early morning atmosphere and we fill in our race details by fire light! By the 6am start the sun is up and the gun goes off. Thousands head out and up the hilly first section. It's a good day and I feel strong. At the 10km mark I pull off from G who is of course doing the 42.2km not the half like me. The run is beautiful and I finish strong taking 2 minutes off my personal best. The amazing thing was catching a 60 year old lady up the hill, seeing an 85 year old lady doing the 10km, and not being able to catch a 65 year old man in the last km of the 21.1! They are the heroes, as well as the large bodies doing the fun run 5km. So blessed to be able to run and I love it!!!

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