Sunday, August 1, 2010

Children's Church lessons from Manila

We were so blessed to visit Manila and to spend time with some of their Children's Church people, and to visit a number of different sites. We asked many questions and made some important observations.
1. Their front desk/reception was very jacked and made parents feel that kids were valued and would be taken care of. They use an easy sticker system where the name of the child is written on the sticky side and given to the child and the other side goes to the parent who must produce it to claim child. The one church had a bar code system which is even better.
2. Their staff were very warm and welcoming and remembered our kids names very quickly.
3. The pastors love their kids and ministry and are sold out to it.
4. For special events where there may be many visitors they hand out an info page with the run down of the meeting, and even the name and cell of the team leader.
5. They have many volunteers who serve in teams once a month like us, and their team leaders meet once a month with their childrens pastor.
6. They have big budget and great venues that are very clean, safe, and child friendly. All have multi media and lights!
Challenges us to look at what we can do better in these areas. Didn't get to see actual ministry, but they do use big group and small groups to disciple their kids.

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