Sunday, August 22, 2010

JESUS... what more

It's just JESUS that's all people need. We don't need to complicate things do we. That's what I am hearing from Chris Overstreet and the Bethel connections. Love Jesus, love people and don't be scared to step out. Just ask people if they need prayer for anything, then pray and watch what God does. It is Him not us. Fear of man is a sin, Chris said and smiled. True, if we don't step out to share the love of Jesus with people then it is a sin and fear is normally the problem. Fear of what they might say, like it matters anyway! Inspired and felt God was lifting things off the hundreds of people packed into church today.
My stepping out to speak to an old guy I saw running two weeks ago, led to me following it up with another run and on the first lap I was already talking about Jesus. This guy turns out to be a spiritualist whose wife leads a Buddhist home cell. Yes Lord, i was hoping for an unbeliever, well he believes but needs to be convinced that JESUS stands above the rest and really is the way, the truth, the life. His claims are unique... and people of all religions are discovering that. Thank God He loves us so much and is chasing after each one of us... don't run, it is too nice to be caught!

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