Sunday, August 29, 2010

Raising up the next bunch of leaders

On Friday at Jozi Lights our leaders meeting was full of next generation guys and girls! Youngsters that we have discipled over the last 5 years at Jozi Kidz and who are now discipling others. What a joy for this 40 year old to get out of the way and let these guys run... Today Letty at half my age left in charge of Jozi Kidz whilst we were out ministering somewhere else. One of our young 13 year old leaders said "well it was a bit hectic and I wasn't as well prepared as I should have been" but hey that's what it is about... learning to minister and to gain those incredible insights. All around I see people we are raising up and it is so awesome. Loved Steve Murrell's statement that, " I always lead with the view of leaving" I thought today if in a years time we aren't at Jozi Kidz it could go on. Leadership has been raised... and we will continue to help disciple them and mentor them.
Was a great blessing to pray and release 12 leaders in our West congregation today to lead their childrens ministry. Some of these were kids in our ministry! The consultation manual that we worked so hard on and went thru with pastor Gabriel, Gifty and Ivan has beared fruit and hopefully we can help more churches with this.
To God be the glory and thanks for using us!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for giving us a chance to lead and believing that we can do it.
