Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ramadan and Jesus

The Love of Jesus must break thru the rules and regulations. His forgiveness from sins changes our hearts. His word is truth and anyone who reads it and studies it will find that to be the case. Jesus appearing in dreams, thru books and on TV, these are all ways that Muslims can find Him. Just been watching some short movies of true stories of muslims who have found Jesus. So awesome and encourages us to not run away but to engage with them. So many are genuinely wanting to follow God, but have been lied to. Let us as Christians be an example and love those who may despise, even hate us. Let us live the life of Jesus, so that we do not give them excuse to accuse us of hypocrisy. As I shared with the Muslim man in Malaysia, we share so much when it comes to morality, but not our understanding of who God is. We know Isa personally and so can they. Even in the Quran Isa is revealed! During Ramadan let us pray for Muslims to meet Jesus.

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