Wednesday, July 7, 2010

City faces some fade some just don't

Amidst the many things kids could do in Jozi there is a holiday Club going on at Parkhurst Primary. Here a gang of crazy Jesus loving peeps are spending their week with a small group of kids, singing, playing soccer and laughing... but more importantly bringing ten or so of them to Jesus today!!! So aware that God is working to reach individuals one by one. Driving through the squalid city centre teeming with faces, we pick up three familiar ones. A young mom and her two beautiful twin girls. Trying to find them safe accomodation when HIV and unemployment has dealt them a heavy blow, they are individuals amidst the crowd. But we can't help everyone of the kids walking the pimp filled streets of Hillbrow... no but maybe we can just help these familiar faces. I still can see the beggar kid banging on my taxi window as i drove into Manila three years ago. I didn't help her. I can see the gang of street kids on Durban beach who we shared our fish and chips with, only to be mugged at knife point by them minutes later. Faces that stand out of the crowd in cities. Faces that we pray for and try to serve cos Jesus died for them and the Father loves them.

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