Thursday, July 1, 2010

Time out to put time in

So important to take time out to a place where you have uninterupted time with God. Today was such a morning... off to the Botanical Gardens, one of my favourite places. Just walked around stopped and walked more.. enjoying the Lord and His creation. Read some awesome verses in Psalms and Acts and then ended up relooking at my week and that of Letty who works with us. Also preparing for Jesse joining us next year, so refining structures and always trying to make improvements for the ministry and those of us who serve in it. Management isn't easy but can be a lot of fun too. Also saw that I could fit in a discipleship connect every second Tuesday afternoon, and going to do it around fitness and invite kids for a 3 km run and then chat. Have to utelize the times we have to do God's work and it shifts from time to time. Can't handle people who have loads of time and do little...

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