Friday, July 16, 2010

Multigenerational ministry rulz OK?

Letty and Jesse both young ladies join us for an hour of prayer and our own kids nestle onto the mat and worship with us. Then kids rock up for the first prophetic art session, and the official meeting hasn't even started yet! More kids and teens roll in and we hand over to a teen to play a game, then move to looking at our faith journey with a powerpoint controlled by an 11 year old on the desk. After making prayer wheels we head to the Encounter Zone where 30 or more kids sit, kneel and lie all over the floor interceeding and you can feel the power turn up. Even some youth have joined us and then two 13 year old girls lead us in praise and worship of the King- Jesus- the focus of all we do. The meeting ends with a group of under 13's sharing prophetic words with their art and we all merrily vacate the building, whilst some head upstairs for the Youth meeting. Where are the adults,,, gladly a little in the background!

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