Tuesday, November 30, 2010

CPROD continues... at Hope Street with power but no power

The God's gang gathers in the car park and jumps into the parents various vehicles and head east for Boksburg. Home away from home for us, a tour of note to the northern suburbers! Arriving at a smarter looking Hope Street, Calvin runs out to say there is no electricity! So how does one do a musical production without music? You download MP3 to an external harddrive that fits into some contraption that plays thru the car? Well that didn't work but then found one of our parents who had a CD! Still played thru the car, parked as close to the door as poss. The production had more life than Saturday despite this, and the Hope Streeters also treated us to a great performance. Gifts given to our precious kids and then party packs for all. It was precious. Emily preached, so needed only to share a few words. Really what kids can bring to Jesus for His birthday is their hearts and their talents. That came thru loud and clear. Very proud of the team and so good to see kids reaching out!!!

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