Sunday, November 28, 2010

Next Generation heads up the stairs

This morning we said goodbye to a whole bunch of our kids who have turned 13. The Ignite Youth team came and fetched them from our party downstairs and took them up to a great family welcome. Was so proud of them and almost all of them were Diz Workers, our leadership development track! They will leave a hole at Jozi Kidz for a while and that is half of our Diz Worker team. They all have their own amazing personalities and character. These were the core kids that we inherited when we took over Jozi Kidz in 2006, and it is hard to think of things without them. Yet this is fruit of our labour. I looked around the Ignite room and saw so many familiar faces of kids we had discipled. They were praying for these new kids, sharing God's Word, and I felt blessed. Now to raise up more disciples and leaders, now to see who steps up to fill the gaps, now to intensify our discipleship in 2011. So thrilled to have a great youth ministry to take our kids on in God.

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