Sunday, November 28, 2010

CPROD hits Soweto

Must waffle about our Christmas Production and Party yesterday. We all piled into the many vehicles and loaded up huge amounts of presents. After a prayer we headed out and all got to the school in Soweto safely. The kids were waiting. After looking for the Hall and discovering it didn't exist we set up in the courtyard while most of our team interacted with the Soweto kids and teens. Then 1, 2, 3 and the production started. Went well. Yes, we could see mistakes, but the crowd enjoyed it. I shared the gospel afterwards and although it didn't feel that great I know from experience that there are always those who respond in their hearts. Then came the presents for the children, a mix of the church kids and Soccer club kids. There were some very happy faces. The best sight was a group of little girls who as we were packing up were lost in a game of dolls and tea party under the tree. They looked so cute and happy. So it was worth all the work and endless wrapping. Joanne did an amazing job of co ordinating this project, and of course it continues tomorrow at Hope Street.

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