Saturday, November 13, 2010

God reveals Himself creatively thru us

This weekend is the Bless the City campaign where christians from all churches were challenged to do something to bless the city. Last night as part of Jozi Lights we took our kids on a prayer walk around the church block. Each leader had to stop the kids at a place that popped out to them and then for one minute the whole bunch had to pray out loud. Worked so well and the high light was praying outside Vida e Cafe with the staff. They were touched and even blessed the kids with complimentary chocs! People so enjoyed seeing the kids out and about. Then an hour ago we did our family contribution. We bought helium balloons at Cresta and then wrote notes and tied them to the balloons. We walked up the Westcliff steps and after a prayer, each one of us let ours go... They went up and over the electric fence, travelled south for a moment and then took an easternly wind over the Zoo towards Houghton. Now at some point they will either pop and drop their letters, and in a couple money, or in 7 hours when the helium loses strength they will glide down. Now just imagine someone receiving the money or the message?
God will have directed these flying message bringers to the exact person! Nothing fluke with God. As I sat on the grandstand at Craighall Primary talking about Coca Cola and Jesus to two boys yesterday, it wasn't fluke either. Neither was it fluke being with the Parkhurst Primary Staff this morning. God orchestrates His message and just uses different bearers. Balloons, talks, people...

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