Monday, October 18, 2010

Altar call... just a term for responding publically to the gospel

So how do you do an altar call pastor J? Good question put to us by Siviwe who spoke at Hope Street today. He spoke well and challenged kids to come to the front of the little church to give their hearts to Jesus. Most of the kids quickly came up. Siv handed over to me and I shared a little and led them in a prayer asking Jesus to forgive them, to help them repent and to follow Jesus. Well that's it. Now as we discussed on the way home, some came forward because that is the culture, some cos their friends did, some just to be polite, but there are always some who really got it and wanted to surrender to Jesus. I have heard enough real stories from kids and teens we work with who became christians when we came to their park, school, or at a meeting. We can try be clear, and yes we can teach the Word well in smaller groups and cement these altar calls, but let us not shrink back. There are going to be many people in heaven who say thanks for that altar call you gave, that is where I first called on Jesus! So if you work with people keep giving the gospel to them. It is a work of God's Spirit not us. We don't teach them into the Kingdom, God calls and this is just part of many people's journey.

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