Tuesday, October 5, 2010

U wear skinny jeans pastor J

So why do I wear skinny jeans? And red or purple ones, with red shoes! Since young I have liked wearing different stuff and not always doing what people would expect me to do. I hate mediocrity and being boxed. It is my non-conformist streak coming out. Bear in mind my mom wore kaftans till she died and my dad had a pony tail in his seventies. I never want to be boring. But I am part trying to be cool and relevant to the kids I minister to, but also I like skinnies. I tend to look at someone who looks good in something, and then try it for myself. Sometimes it doesn't work and then I don't do it. I wish more people, particularly teens, would find what works for them. Your build, colour, and many other features mean that some things work and some just don't. Just waltz around your local mall and spot those who look comfortable and those who are trying to just fit in. So laugh or be envious but I like my skinny purple jeans and bright coloured shoes are funky. So there, that is my fashion waffle for the week.

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