Saturday, October 9, 2010

Can one man make a difference?

Bill Wilson from Metro Kids in New York is asked this question often and in his book suggests the answer. He describes his journey of starting Metro which now reaches 40 000 kids a week in NY and has been started in many countries globally. Facinating and challenging reading. Tells stories of how doing what he and his team do has made the difference in children's lives. Hard hitting reading. Then in Exodus 33 today I saw that Moses single handedly makes the difference. God tells him that He is going to leave Israel to get along on their own because they are so bad. Moses puts himself on the line and because He has found favour with God asks God to change His mind, and He listens! Moses says if God won't go with them then He must leave Moses too. What sacrifice is that. Would you put your salvation aside for others? So we are called to stand in the gap and pray. Abraham did the same, and saved people.
What about you and me? I know there are children who are in the Kingdom today because we obeyed God and went to their school. Baptised 4 kids last night. 2 sisters who are saved today because Joanne and I went to their school 3 years ago to do an assembly. 1 boy who gave his heart to Jesus 6 months because my 13 year old son cared enough to lead him to Jesus, and my 9 year old daughter because we adopted her 8 and a half years ago and have shared our lives with her. Encouraging? Of course... so make sure you make a difference... it is what God has called us to do!

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