Sunday, October 31, 2010

Want to grab a heart for discipleship then watch..

"The secrets of Jonathan Sperry" a movie that was given to us to watch today. It left me so inspired and is about an old guy who loves Jesus who reaches out to a young boy and leads him to the saviour. He ends up doing Bible Study and discipling a whole lounge of young boys complete with chocolate cake and lemonade! Some totally awesome experiential teaching, and the way this man sows into the boys is incredible. They go on to disciple many others. This is the heart behind what we want to do next year. We want to use XMO that Joanne has designed as the basic material but to build small groups of leaders and children and even children together. We will most certainly show this movie a lot next year so that people can get the heart behind discipleship. If only I can be more like this old man... inspiring to the older generation too... we need you to step up and raise the next gen.

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