Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Blind Side... movie review

My friend Tonderayi told me a few months back that it was his new favourite movie and I wasn't dissapointed. What a touching story of Hope for the kids from the projects or in our case the townships or the inner city. Loved the way the lady's heart went out to this young man and the sacrifices she made and her whole family to accomodate him and to believe in him. There are so many Big Mikes or Little Mikes out there, and we need to let God lead us to help them. Great example of how wealth doesn't need to be the centre of our lives but neither do we need to feel guilty of God's blessings. Must just use it for good. Made for a good family time before I leave for Swaziland this morning. Best part for me was the sister moving over to study with her black bro! She had been discipled by mom and crossed boundaries to show love to others despite the redicule. That's what I mean by swimming up stream.

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