Saturday, September 25, 2010

God gives vision, lies try stop it.

Vision provides motivation. Without a vision my people perish says God. So yesterday it was off to the Botanical Gardens for 3 hours of what I call God Time. I try for it every few weeks or so but sometimes life gets too busy. In the beautiful surroundings of what God has created it is easy to be reflective and to take stock of your life. With a journal and pen you look at how you function in your different roles in life. I am a son of God first, then a husband, a father, a friend and a childrens pastor. One needs God's grace and favour to be all of these. Then came a look at all that Jozi Kidz is and needs to be. Not many changes were needed but to up our discipleship plan. Some numbers written down and some plans committed to the Lord and given the thumbs up by my wonderfully wise wife. Even some short term goals for the next few months before 2010 is no more. What stops us achieving vision? Our unbelief, and listening to the negative words of others, and to Satan who talks rubbish but quite convincingly into our minds. Things like haven't you tried that before and failed? Who do you think you are? and even is that all, don't you need to do bigger and better things that will make you look good? Ha Ha.. no you have to do what God has called you to do. So hey... do you need to go find your time and space and let God speak to you in the quiet?

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