Sunday, September 19, 2010

Is it Jesus or what ... is the focus?

Jesus was and is such a great guy and my hero. At Jozi Kidz today we taught on Jesus in John 5. Looked at the way He healed the lame dude at the pool, and at how if we want to be like Him then we can also bring healing and miracles if He lives in us. Yet it was verses 13-15 that really grabbed me. Jesus is humble and didn't draw attention to Himself. When we are the delivery agent of a miracle or we pray for a healing we don't say look at me but look at JESUS. Then Jesus finds the healed man at the temple and tells him not to sin. See the dudes salvation was actually more important than the healing. Same today, if we get people healed but fail to lead them to JESUS then what is the point? We need to preach repentance and faith in Jesus. That lame dude's life was changed by an encounter with Jesus that included a healing but much much more! Lord use us this week to share Jesus with people who haven't yet met Him.

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