Thursday, September 23, 2010

To school or not to school that is the question

So what high school are you sending Asher to? The question popped up at supper time today. Hadn't thought about it at all was my response. You see we had all our kids home schooled till a month ago when we felt to give them the choice of Parkhurst Primary. Asher and Shaylah didn't take long to agree and off they went the next day or a few days later. It has amazed the staff that they fitted in so easily. I thought they would. Confident kids can handle different situations. The home schooling set their academic path and enabled them to be discipled by their parents. Now they are making a difference in their school. Asher of his own accord elected to do his speech on Jesus his hero. Shaylah has brought kids to church already. My word of advice to parents is know your kids and trust the Lord. Home school is great but not for every family, Christian school can be what your kid needs, or maybe the school up the road. Parkhurst is not the high class school you would expect to find in that suburb. It is mainly been for domestic worker kids and many travelling in from the inner city and townships. Yet we love the vibe, respect the management, and see it as a great multicultural experience for our kids. Shaylah and Asher are picking up Zulu and Shaylah says the skipping rhymes with a genuine black accent! She even spelt grin as green in a spelling test cos that is how her teacher pronounced it... I found that amusing. Do like that a few of our Jozi Kidz have gone into the local schools, despite most people opting for private schools. It is a huge decision but lets trust God with our kids and help them to swim up stream wherever they go to school. OK, now I am waffling...

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