Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Discipleship is relationship

Joey Bonafacio from Manila said that at Church Planting School and it is so true. You just can't disciple those you don't know and spend time with. I picked up a book called "Uncommon Youth Ministry" by Jim Burns at a book sale and just started reading it last week. Wow! It is brilliant and is all about discipleship and building everything on relationship.
This month we are doing 4 Thirsty Thursdays! These are connect opportunities at a north, south, east and west branch of Mac Donalds in our city. Just want to give kids the chance to come and chat with us. Out of this hopefully more intense discipleship relationships can be built. We are seeing such fruit from the small groups our team are running at schools, homes and at Jozi Lights. We are starting to see the next level, where our kids who are being discipled now start to take care of other kids they know. Xtreme Makeover of Me written by Joanne is the tool we use, but it is modelling it that is so key. Had an awesome Facebook post from a young lady who had been in our Delmore Club years ago. She wanted to thank us for being committed to those Wednesday afternoons, for bringing Jesus to them consistently, and she was thrilled that we are still doing it in 2011.
Needed this as there are times when you question the fruit of your labour. Ministry comes at a high price and I had a day two weeks ago when I considered becoming a postman, but a day later I was committed to reaching and discipling children.

Every Nation SA Leaders Summit

What a great week we spent in Cape Town last week. 9 of our Joburg pastors attended and we had great fellowship as we all stayed in a beautiful house on Table Mountain just below the three toilet roll towers. The prayer and worship was fantastic and laid the platform for pastors seeking God to solve issues and to build our movement's unity. There were frank discussions and sometimes raw emotions as people shared their histories and their frustrations. God wove this all together so that people really found each other and were able to honour one another in a way we haven't done before. This was powerful and we have to walk in this as we lead the movement forward. Everyone dedicated themselves and their churches to the vision and values of Every Nation and we ended with a few hours of prayer and prophecy. Pastor Roger got a fantastic endorsement of his leadership and will be ably assisted by various other great men and women of God. I loved seeing this and some of the passion I saw at the two Every Nation World Conferences was definately in the house. Church planting, discipleship and focus on the next generation are key and of course that what makes us tick, so we are in the right place going forward. Obviously the Body of Christ is much bigger than Every Nation, but convinced we are God's idea and can be a blessing to the wider family in every nation of the world.
Joanne and I have a key part to play in getting this out to the children's ministries, and to serving them with our creativity and resources. Carmel Retreat 2012 will be a key gathering of Children's Ministry leaders. We are appreciated by more and more of the pastors as we get to be known.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Middle East missions

Today was missions Sunday at Jozi kidz and we saw kids praying for the middle east. We spent so long making a puzzle for the kids to take home which they can make of the map and stick to their wall and pray over. Believe God will move mightily as a result of these prayers. So many kids from ex Muslim families here! Praise God for our freedom but we willingly bow our knee before Jesus. Let the nations come to Him! Loved sharing the gospel and will do so again in 5 min

Friday, July 15, 2011

Week of kidz at church planting school

We arrived on Sunday afternoon in whiteriver ready for a long week of kids ministry. Was great to see friends from all over the country. Monday saw us intro ourselves to the kids and discovered them to be a cool bunch. Not all easy of course but the potential was great. We looked at identity in Christ. Afternoons were spent watching a movie then outdoor play till 4. Tues we did servant leadership. Wed prophecy. Thurs heart for the nations, and this morning sharing the gospel. We gave them a grow box from week two that we planned and Letty led. Each day they got tools for their quiet times and that was a big hit! Kids got excited about spending time with Jesus. As relationships grew so did the ministry and it was sad to say goodbye. Three kids got baptised in the Holy Spirit, one without any prayer, just during worship! Meal times were great to chat with church planters and there was a great Every Nation vibe! The Bon fire time last night was great too and the kids made good friends and were free to play into the evenings. On tues I also got to share with all the church planters on kiss ministry and had very good feedback. Joanne sold 230 copies of Xtreme Makeover of Me. jesse and Letty did an amazing job with the totz and with the help of Thjile one of our campus leaders. The team all deserve a day off on Monday before the new term starts. The Pardey Kids were also an amazing example and served well . God is so faithful and we know this was an incredible advance for our church family and the Kingdom. so glad we agreed to do it.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Swazi Mission 2

Been a while since I have waffled but must give God the glory for this trip we did last week. 14 of us set off from cold Jozi to a warmer Bulembu, Swaziland. The team was excited and ready for action. We were met by our family, the Nevilles, and quickly found ourselves at Bulembu Babies. Just enjoyed having babies on laps and giving out love to them. They are doing a great job there. Then in the evening we had team time and got ready for the ministry of the week. Having Audrey as designated chef was awesome and we will never again do a mission without this. Meant Joanne and I could be fully focussed on ministry and the team of kids we had to disciple. Tuesday, Wed and Thursday we ran a holiday program in the morning and afternoon, for the two sides of Bulembu children. This was a great format, halving the 160 kids, to make it a little easier to handle. We were able to get our team facilitating small group activities and it was more relational. Was great to see that the kids are growing under the care of the Bulembu Ministries. We ministered on God's heart for them, their identity in Christ, and them having a heart or the world. Ministry was powerful and the worship times really broke things. We went up against religion, desiring to see relationship with Jesus, not just compliance. Really saw chains breaking in the spiritual. Tuesday and Thursday evenings we did movies for the kids, and on Friday for the older teens. This was powerful as we first did a treasure hunt getting prophetic words for teens God had picked out for us to pray for. God really touched lives thru this and stretched our team again to walk in faith. The Wednesday nite we joined the kids and teens at the royal rangers forest camp for a fire nite. This was a drama with a fire display and again some deep ministry. Friday morning we had all the kids join us for a games morning followed by a talent show which was very enjoyed. Our team then went and hiked up Mount Mlembe which is the higest point in Swaziland, where we prayed for this beautiful people.
On Saturday morning we went to look at old neglected buildings over the hill but still in Bulembu property, and then cleaned up and packed out. we had our last meal and headed out for South Africa. I was so proud of our team. They all worked hard and were a pleasure to spend time with. We had good times of prayer and sharing and lots of laughter too.
Having left the Swazi border the pajero ran out of petrol. It has no petrol gadge and used crazy amounts of fuel. We tried sucking petrol out of the avanza and toyota but couldn't get it right. Bulembu had no reserves, so Audrey had to drive all the way down the mountain pass and then back with a 25litre drum. This put us three hours behind schedule but all was fine. Then an hour and a half from home we stopped for take aways and whilst in Steers/Toilet two guys broke into the pajero and stole our lap top, projector, two cases full of Pardey clothes, and two kit bags. We waited for the police so we could get a case number and we are now waiting for insurance to hopefully pay out for the laptop and projector but the clothes not covered. Makes you so angry but we chose to rejoice and to pray that the 3 Bibles stolen in bags would be used to bring these guys to salvation. We finally got back to the church at 9:30pm to parents excited to see their missionaries. On the way home I needed to put another R100 in the pajero and had a great time with Lovemore, the petrol dude, who I think will come to church because of this. So all the hold ups were so I could be there at just the right time.
Slept well and then we were up early on Sunday to report back at Jozi Kidz and to start our three week series on missions! Thanks to all who prayed for us and helped us in any way to do this trip. It was a great time and the Nevilles called us to say how the orphans of Bulembu were so impacted, which is all that really counts. Hope to go back soon to do a Victory Weekend for their teens, and Joanne has some Christmas party and shoe drive planned, so could be two more trips as a family this year.

Monday, May 30, 2011

A club in Vrededorp now a reality

We went 2 hours earlier than the 3:30 start of Jozi Kidz Mobile last tuesday to go and walk the streets and meet boys and girls. Not knowing what reception we would have in vrededorp, we were pleasantly surprised. The prayer had paid off and God was evidently with us. People were warm and it was like a hopeless community were eager for something to change. We handed out balloons and flyers. We even went to the house where we had seen the two little girls on an early Saturday run, that had brought us to the area. We felt that where light comes, darkness has to flee. It was awesome to be in a park again and to see the kids rolling up from all directions. We eventually signed up 24 kids and there were still others looking on from a distance. Joanne started with a game, Letty led praise songs, and then Jesse and I shared on getting foundations right. Then we had small groups to discuss and get to know the kids. All sorts, different ages and cultures. They were very happy to have something in their park. Now tomorrow we return after a week's break and hoping to continue to build with these precious kids.
The men who pray with me each Wednesday were so encouraged and they each have a different part to play in this subburb.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Updating da waffles

Waffling has been a bit slow of late, guess it is hard to know what to share. You know when people say what's news? Well there is always stuff, but do people want to hear me waffling about it? Face Book is at least quick bitesized chunks of me and what I am about. No secret that I am full on for Jesus and that He is the one that most excites me and fulfills me. Like today, was great waking up and spending time with Him, was great worshipping and ministering with Joanne at Hope Street to kids, and great talking about him over candle light when the power went off again. Know that He is leading us each day and praying that we will stay in His will for our lives. Right now in Jozi with kidz. Well now u know I am alive and kicking or waffling...later!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Getting and keeping volunteers

Yes we have nearly 100 volunteers but it take work! First you pray for God to send you people and then you pray for them when He does. You look for likely candidates from your parents and friends. You give them the vision and share the awesome things God is doing in your ministry. No one wants to join a miserable ministry. You appeal from the pulpit too and again share passionately. You let people see what you and your kids are doing! Then you have them complete an application form so you can get to know them and screen them. In your application form you make it clear what you expect so they know. Those who are lazy or not comitted will never bring the form back! Good, cos u don't need them pulling your momentum down. Then you meet personally with each candidate and if you are happy you put them in a team and roster them for duty. You give them the t shirt and say now let's do it!!
Start them with little things and as they prove themselves give them more, untill they become team leaders and hopefully take your job one day!
Look after them, people want to serve but also be served and to grow by being part of your ministry. We e mail them every week, pray and send sms prophetic words. We facilitate monthly a meeting where they can come and connect with you and others on the team. Some of these may be formal training, others just get together and hang out. Invite them to your home and if they can't make it then take them out during a lunch break for coffee or something nicer than coffee! Build a sense of family. This does take them being willing too, I have people on my team that seldomely make any meetings and so are fringe members and get far less of my pastoral input. Those who come and give, get more... that's just natural. Try to appreciate them. I have people whose only ministry is kids and so can give more, whilst some are in 2 or 3 other ministries and can give less.
If you want men, share vision and have strong men leaders speak and make appeals. Most men don't want to serve in a womens ministry so you have to challenge that mindset. Couples are the best, as it models family too. Raise up leaders from young. Have some form of development path from kids. By the time our kids go to youth at 13 they have had the chance to become leaders and some step into that role. They make awesome leaders cos u have discipled them.
So there... simple but not easy. We work on it all the time...

Monday, April 25, 2011

The most beautiful race ...

After a 20 hour bus ride over night and the sacrifice of time, money and leaving the family in Joburg, I arrived in the mother city with the beautiful Table Mountain looming majestically over the city. I walked thru the streets, passing the Kasteel and made it to the Good Hope Centre, where my buddy and fellow runner Graham fetched me. A lovely drive to Silvermine, a pleasant meal with the Foxtons and their extended family and then back to Newlands where we slept over. Having strained my hamstring on Wednesday it was stretching, deep heat and much prayer. Imagine not being able to run, although I knew coming that that might be my reality this time. I awoke from a dream that it was 6:08 and I was still in Joburg... but praise the Lord I was still very much in Newlands with the sound of the pa and music already playing from a few blocks up. Dressed, stretched and nervously walked to the start. Lighten up Jono, said my two buds but it was hard. The atmosphere was amazing and I just got to the start in time and in doing so stubbed my foot on the pavement and felt the hamstring jab with pain... Oh well let me start the race, run a km or 2 and turn round and support. My dream wasn't going to happen... but as I ran very slowly and carefully with much prayer I found myself at the 3km mark and just couldnt turn back now. Felt so strong apart from the leg and had to hold back. At about the half way mark the crowds were awesome, the sun was up, and I was still going and passing many ailing runners. Up the hilly section comfortably with crowds shouting, 'go Jonathan!' as our names were largely displayed. If I can keep going slowly, then I should be able to limp to the finish line in time before the terrible cut off gun. Coming into the final stadium section the atmosphere was magical, like so many comrades I had watched, 'go Jonathan, just a few metres to go', the strangers shouted and clapped and finally the finish line! The feeling of accomplishment and joy, the grabbing the medal and the thankyou prayers! So grateful to have run, and yes I could have done it way quicker but there is a next time....
So much of running like the race of life. What a privilege to be running God's race with a personal relationship all the way. How He carries us and does miracles for us. How the crowds cheer and as we approach the finish where the Father waits in glory for us, the great crowd of witnesseses cheer. So many have gone before me. Whether we run in sprinting, or with a limp and clutching our hamstrings, God assures us that by His grace we will make it!
To those of you who have raced a long distance and know what I mean, or those who haven't, the real thing that counts is how are you running the race of life, who with, and will the Father be awaiting you with a smile and reward, or are you off the course only to miss the finish line?
I am living it... the most beautiful race in the world...vasbyt...dont quit!!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


For those wanting to walk with us in this journey of Jozi Kidz Mobile, here is the progress. We have been praying and researching the area which is actually called Vrededorp. It was in the 40's a multicultural area but the Nats forceably removed the black folk in the late 40's. Beyers Naude who pastored a church there refused to go along with this and was kicked out of the NG Kerk! Now having driven around it, it is back to multicultural!!! So we could be reaching all kinds of kids. Quite an Islamic community too. Yesterday we checked out the schools and the parks and prayed some more. One of our elders without us knowing, has been looking for a building for a Global Leadership Institute, only to find it in Vrededorp! God is so in this and has drawn us to this area for sure. So we could be coming at this community from many fronts. Our team is going to go and check out a ministry that uses Lego in Potch first and then decide on our approach. Been costing a mobile sound system this morning, and just getting excited. Gabi and Joey both sick today and we sense an attack is on us, so really urge you to pray if you do. More to report soon...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Irresistible Revolution

That's the name of a very trendy looking covered softback by Shane Claiborne, that i was given for my birthday. Made an interesting and somewhat challenging read. Went from thinking this guy is a flipping communist to you know what he has a point! He certainly challenges the church to what we are doing for and with the money we have, our buildings, vision and many other things that the church allows. Keeps bringing it back to scripture and making you think, so what did Jesus say and mean? Going to give it to my buddy Chris to read and see what he thinks, and I know my buddy Andy Bruce would enjoy it. Landa Cope might have some other ideas. So good for thinking people. If we are Jesus's disciples we have to be challenged to live more like He did and would. Like the Jubilee idea of matching rand for rand to the poor when a church starts a building campaign, and then only if a bigger building is really needed. Think he supports the poor maybe too far, and doesn't look at their own responsibilities, but blames a lot of big reasons. Not so sure macro issues are all that to blame, when individuals need to apply Biblical principles too. Can kind of see two sides and life is complex. Well... on and back to David Watson on discipleship... and I think we are making progress at His People and Jozi kidz

Friday, April 1, 2011

Back to Basics...potential Jozi Kidz Mobile

Having run thru a particular inner city area with the guys on Saturdays, our hearts have been drawn to seeing the area transformed. The Wednesday prayer group of men are talking and praying about some big projects to uplift the area. My focus is obviously the children and I put it to our full time team yesterday. They are all excited and we went there to just look around. A lovely sight awaited us, a park with the backdrop of the city skyline, a school and a bunch of little kids from the community. Now to look at how God wants us to break into the area and what the ministry needs to look like. Time to pray!

Powerful Word... check it out

Yesterday I landed on one of those passages of the Bible that just jumps out as a now word from God. Check it out, I think it was particularly for us at Jozi Kidz but is relevant to anyone too. 2 Chron 15:1-9

1. The Lord is with us when we are with Him- apply that to yourself
2. We are priests to teach the Word and help kids see the True God
3. God allows global and national turmoil to shake people to their need- I don't think we need it as much as other people we know and nations we pray for
4. We must be strong and persevere for our work shall be rewarded.
5. Prophecy encourages- and our kids need a lot of it!
6. We must remove idols from our lives- apply individually
7. We must build up the altar- which I believe is worship- worship must be central to all we do at Jozi Kidz
8. Promise that large numbers will come our way because they will see that God is with us!!!- so prepare

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Who is your Family?

My family is the Pardey family and we are sold out to Jesus. That is waht makes us who we are.. and we are doing well because of the grace of God and His unmerited favour. We are 6 very different individuals who all have a different make up, different giftings and probably callings too. Yet right now we have a work to do as a family... to reach and disciple kids. To raise up kids and leaders who will have a heart for the nations and who will go! We want to be sending people out. We get to do this at Jozi Kidz, will get to do this for kids and families at Church Planting school in June, and we hope to do it for Africa in December, for China if God opens the door, and at the Every Nation World Conference in 2013 in the USA. What God has done in us He wants to do in others. Right now our 4 awesome kids serve us so faithfully and share our heart, but the time will come when they take the lead and maybe branch into other things and we will serve them and their ministry focus. Our home was filled with worship and prayer tonight and on Tuesday night will be filled with leaders gathering to worship and pray and connect with each other. May our joy and passion rub off on those who grace our home. So good to be hospitable to people.

Friday, March 18, 2011

David Watson on Discipleship

"Without a strong commitment to discipleship, there can be no authentic Christian community, and without the existence of such a community there can be no effective mission"

"When Jesus drew men and women into discipleship he was requiring a depth of relationship that would be much more demanding and, as a result, much more enriching and powerful"
Relationships can't be selfish and we can't be all independent like. I guess materialism and wealth make us independent. The Japanese have just lost that and will need each other in this time of crisis. The persecuted church knows that their very lives depend on their relationships sticking together and being trust worthy. Let us prioritise relationships and discipleship over other fun but less important things we do.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Little touches of God we give

Many years ago we wandered into a strange park to hopefully start a ministry and disciple some kids. One of them was Litlhare who became such a faithful child of God and was in our ministry at Living Kidz for years. Having moved from Boksburg we had only Face Book contact but she moved to randburg this year and so Sunday we went and fetched her for His People morning service. She loved it and will hopefully join us...the investment in her life was so worth it.
Now I sit at my table and my kids are leading Sonshine Club so faithfully. 2 little boys attend each Tuesday, but the one was so far from God a while back. Now he just said that he comes so he can know God and know how to pray!!! Well done my kids, you are discipling these boys.
Amazing how if you invest in people they respond. Joanne started a biweekly ladies group, and after just two meetings these ladies come after her on Sundays, phone, sms, they just feel loved and cared for. So not only the big meetings but the ones and twos ok?!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Old book, new movie.. thoughts on discipleship

Just picked up a 1981 book called DISCIPLESHIP by David Watson. He was a great English leader. Just a chapter in and he describes Discipleship as a CALL from Jesus, a Call to Jesus, A Call to obey, to serve, to live a simple life, to suffer, and that ALL are CALLED irrespective of qualifications. As we live out B1 and Make 1 let us be Biblical in our devotion. We are bringing people to a person not just a book of teachings. Must disciple our kids to obey, not just do whatever they feel like. Selfishness is out, as is material comfort and ease. This is so key in a culture that is so self centred.
Last night I went out with some men to see THE KING'S SPEECH. If you have seen it read on, if not stop, go and watch and come back to this blog. Lionel Logan says he will help the king but on his terms, in his space. The king has to humble himself, obey, suffer and persevere. Yet he discovers a life-long friendship with his mentor. I need to do this with those I disciple. I must call them to journey with me and will have to be a friend but friends speak the truth that is not always easy to hear at the time. The king couldn't just read Logan's blog- there must be relationship! Jesus calls us to a relationship of discipleship complete with highs and lows, laughter and tears. But the joy of the friendship makes it so worth it!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Tonight was a good night

The Lord was as usual so faithful to us at Jozi Lights. We prayed and then went for it. Tired after a week away but the kids rolled in and we gave ourselves to them and to the Lord. Loved the praise and worship and watching the kids encounter God in different ways. The Bible reading, the kids walking accross the room to pray for each other or share a Word, to see the kids doing prophetic art and some boldly sharing the message. Some kids responded to the need for prayer for the Holy Spirit, some for healing and encouragement. Then there were fruitful small groups and a lot of screaming and laughter with the games. So important to play too. Then the final wild song and happy kids went home. Our visitor enjoyed it so much which is always important. Go team!!! Go kidz!!!

ENSAKIDS Retreat in George

Wow how awesomely faithful God was in leading, guiding and blessing our days in George. It was the best one so far and thanks to all those who attended. It was such a team effort right from planning to the execution of it. What an awesome God we serve. Love the way God spoke to us thru so many people. Loved the worship and prayer, the prophetic, the talking and sharing of ideas and being able to help others. Some amazing people there and children are in great hands. Love Every Nation and the unity and vision of our churches. Loved the time with my wife and seeing her so powerfully used by God. Loved the food too. The view-wow! Loved the unplanned trip to Blanco with the guys to see what Genie does. Wow my new hero in the faith and what a testimony! Lord the solution to the world is you in us the hope of Glory. Communities must be transformed by the love of Jesus. The cross is the key. Arise and Shine! Let the love come down, let the creativity come on us. Need to be faithful and really genuine. Next year will be even better!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pretoria Marathon

The alarm clicked at 3:30 and creep thru the darkened house to get into my running togs. A few minutes later I drive to Emmarentia to meet Big G, my running buddy and we drive in the dark to the Capital City, Pretoria. Such a great early morning atmosphere and we fill in our race details by fire light! By the 6am start the sun is up and the gun goes off. Thousands head out and up the hilly first section. It's a good day and I feel strong. At the 10km mark I pull off from G who is of course doing the 42.2km not the half like me. The run is beautiful and I finish strong taking 2 minutes off my personal best. The amazing thing was catching a 60 year old lady up the hill, seeing an 85 year old lady doing the 10km, and not being able to catch a 65 year old man in the last km of the 21.1! They are the heroes, as well as the large bodies doing the fun run 5km. So blessed to be able to run and I love it!!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Starbucks and church

Yes it would be nice to have a Starbucks at church, but I am reading "Pour your heart into it" by Howard Schultz the CEO of Starbucks. Great book with many learning points but here are a few which I translate into my line of work. 11 points actually.
1. Have a passion for your product
2. Have a passion for people
3. Have a passion for your job each day
4. Have a passion for quality
5. Train your people well
6. Build with the right people so you build a team
7. Have faith to take risks
8. Overcome challenges
9. Be authentic
10. Don't hype, just be the real thing
11. Romance the product, the customer and your Church Experience
" We're not in the coffee business serving people. We're in the people business
serving Coffee"
Be challenged, I am...

Animals and Discipleship

Every Wednesday I head for the Zoo just because I love the stillness and peace and can spend a few hours in prayer and in the Word. Amazing what God shows you even thru the animals. I started off at the Rhinos who are so built for strength and purpose and don't stop for anything, like Christians. Then to the Hippos who munch all the time like we should the Word of God. They chew on it. That got me thinking about our HP Jozi Faith Journey and which animal would represent each of the 5 steps. Settled on Encounter- Crocodile- as they wait and soak
Connect- Monkeys- always cackling together
Grow- Hippos- always getting fatter
Reach- Birds- they reach out to other animals
Influence- Lions- kings of the jungle and so outstanding

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Multiplying discipleship

See people if you disciple one person then that person becomes a passionate disciple of Jesus and then disciples their family, friends, people that they connect with... wonder how many people are impacted by each individual??? So never think that investing in one person is a wate of your time- it isn't. I gave a dad from the school a lift to Rosebank today and we swopped cell numbers. If I can disciple him how many people will be impacted??? Just made me think.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Evangelism and discipleship

Lisa preaching on discipleship said evangelism and discipleship are like Siamese twins- you separate them and both die. Love that. So today we drove 40 km to preach the gospel at a school. The kids listened intently and many prayed to receive Christ as Lord and saviour. Then this afternoon I was so thrilled to see 4 boys in grade 7 waiting for me at Steers. Why? to spend time being discipled. we spoke about the Lord, read the Word and prayed. Two of them were from our church, the other two buddies from school. Trust that God will give those kids at the school disciplers. If the soil of their hearts are right then the Word will take root and produce the fruit of repentance and faith.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Zoo reflections

What a great Christmas gift I received from my wife- a year free access to the Joburg Zoo! So my Wednesday morning includes a few hours sitting in the beautiful surroundings with my Bible, journal and God! Yes He is my best friend and I can hang out there with Him. He speaks thru His Word and in a small still voice as we take time to just sit. The creativity flows, He brings His peace, He leads us to pray for others. Sometimes He speaks thru what one can observe, like the excitement of the Chimps, the motherliness of the ducks and the smile of the monkeys. Jesus did great things, preached the gospel, taught the people, healed the sick and cast demons out of people. We can do the same but the key was He spent time alone with the Father, so if we want to be like Him, we must do the same. Find your spot... I know where mine is!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Little faces say it well

Load up and drive out to the east... 45km thru traffic and turn into Windmill Park. How many times have we done this? Into the little tin building and 3 smiling faces waiting expectantly for us or the local team to arrive. Forgot the right cable, search for something and end up showing the movie on our lap top. More and more little faces appear. Some speak little English, some are the children of children we were ministering to over ten years ago. They watch, they listen, they hear the Word, they respond, they know Jesus, they know He is in their hearts and they will be back next Monday for more! They don't have much in this community and are overlooked by most. Amidst revival meetings and church gatherings they are playing in the dust. The focus is their parents, and grandparents but at Hope Street they are the focus... the children... this is their church, their afternoon, their people and their God. Hope Street.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

In da schools today

Started when our team walked into Parkhurst. A whole bunch of kids came for small group discipleship on church, then it was the same again for the special needs class. Leaving Letty to do breaks and have opportunities in the staff room, Jesse and i went to Craighall to chat with a group at both breaks. In between we went to 8 staff members who had celebrated their birthdays in January with a chocolate and a prophetic note. They were all so blessed. Then as we sat writing the notes we prayed for two people with physical needs who were healed. God just wants to show His goodness to people. Wants to reveal that He is still interested in them and knows them. Then they must turn to Him and accept His Lordship! On my return to Parkhurst after school I found Letty with over 80 kids jammed wall to wall in our room. They will be our Scripture Union group in 2011. Just felt like God was breaking into lives all over the place.

Monday, January 24, 2011

B1 make 1

Discipleship is following Jesus and then taking others with you on the journey so that they can in turn take others. This took me to Mac Donalds today to meet with two brothers. Great 11 year olds or there about. We will meet regularly every second week and they will be raised to lead their friends, so the group is open for them to bring friends.
Letty was doing band and discipling our three kids in the area of worship and leadership. This is what we are about and it feels good to be so focussed on it. The kids are getting it so B1 and Make 1. what? then ask!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Some maybe helpful thoughts from today...

Some maybe helpful thoughts from today...
1. Wake up and pray first
2. Make your family breakfast
3. Do something creative with your toddler if u have one
4. Take your wife out to Fish Aways
5. Sit with your wife and reschedule your week to bring structure for the whole family but not too rushed and remember all you need to include
6. Incentive for your toddler, 2 bowls one with a smiley face, one looking sad. Each day starts with 5 stones in happy one. when naughty stone goes to sad dish, good behaviour can win it back. If not all are in the sad one at the end of the day they get a reward.
7. Attitude chart for older kids with rewards. Half an hour of Wii works
8. Play with your kids and make a banana milkshake
9. Support your Proteas against India
10. Prepare for the next day and pray some more.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Passion or dragging feet? The start of 2011

This year I am committed to being a disciple of Jesus, which means following Him and doing what He wants me to do. This is not a hardship as He is the best, kindest, full of love, and the kind of man I want to be anyway. Yes there will be hard things but He always knows what is best for me and roots for me. Out of this identity I can make disciples to follow Him. This then becomes the work we do. This should inform our choices and be the focus of any ministry we do. This must be the passion that we flow with. When I look at our fellow team members I rejoice to see how God has used us to disciple them already. More Lord, I say. I met someone recently who said he just goes to work, doesn't enjoy the job but it is good for his family. How long can one sustain that kind of life of passionlessness! Then I have read books in the last week about a guy so passionate about books for poor kids that he leaves so much comfort and finances to start an NGO to build libraries. Another one is of the CEO of Starbucks, passionate about coffee! And changing the way business is done. I see a room full of passionate pastors this morning ready to give their all in 2011. I see and run with our senior pastor today who leaves for Nigeria tomorrow to assist the churches there. I talk with Neil who goes back for another year to serve in Sierra Leone. I see my wife laying down so much ease and comfort to disciple kids. I am inspired, are you?

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Bulembu, Jozi..2010.... Jozi, Bulembu ...2011.

An hour ago we drove in from Bulembu, Swaziland, to find a tree fallen thru our garage roof but hey we will call outsurance on Monday! We had such a great time there for 16 days. Started off with loads of family for Christmas and just catching up with the Nevilles who are doing such a great job there. We helped to do a party for the orphans and this was sponsored by people in our church. We also showed movies to the kids and preached a little. On Christmas Day I got to lead worship at the church and Dennis preached well. Then the family started leaving and eventually the Nevilles too, leaving us to look after their home. We so enjoyed being in this blessed town. We had awesome family time, walks, runs, good food, trips into more of Swaziland, reading, Telly, games, prayer, so much that was good. We also got to do some more ministry, a training for teens doing kids church and another movie time. So got the heart for the kids. A town of kids and teens with so much need. The second Sunday I got to lead worship again and chose to use the young musicians which was a treat. God was so faithful in helping us to worship Him. He is the hope for everyone in this town. We also spent a morning with the Bulembu babies, well the toddlers actually. That was fun. Shucks we did so much! Hard to leave this morning and if we decided only based on the need we would have to sell up and move. Our prayers are for them to receive many good ministers this year, and for us to play our part when we go up. Jozi Kidz needs us too and we need to develop the discipleship culture and our leadership base. We are willing to be and do what we need to do. God must speak. Just really know that there are kids and teens everywhere who need Jesus so much and we can be there for them. We want to wake up each day and be passionately doing what we are called to do. Anything less would bore us and not be what Jesus made us for. Pray for us!